Independent Security Assurance
Bramble contracts with third parties to conduct annual network and application penetration testing and perform continuous public security scanning. Evidence of these are shared via our Customer Assurance Package.
Third Party Vulnerability and Penetration Tests
Customers are NOT authorized to conduct Vulnerability Scans or Penetration tests on Bramble’s SaaS Application. A penetration test determines whether or not defensive measures employed are strong enough to prevent security breaches. If our Customers or Prospects were to attempt their own penetration testing of our SaaS environment, it could appear as a real incident to Bramble. For more information, please review Bramble’s Terms of Service.
Bramble conducts external, independent penetration tests of our production architecture at least annually. In lieu of this, a report of our Annual Penetration Test is available in our Customer Assurance Package.
Bramble maintains a comprehensive Vulnerability Management program that is configured to identify vulnerabilities throughout our production architecture. Details are available within our Vulnerability Management handbook page.