Change Management

Change Management has traditionally referred to the processes, procedures, tools and techniques applied in IT environments to carefully manage changes in an operational environment: change tickets and plans, approvals, change review meetings, scheduling, and other red tape.

In our context, Change Management refers to the guidelines we apply to manage changes in the operational environment with the aim of doing so (in order of highest to lowest priority) safely, effectively and efficiently. In some cases, this will require the use of elements from traditional change management; in most cases, we aim to build automation that removes those traditional aspects of change management to increase our speed in a safe manner.

Our overriding objective is maximize changes that avoid traditional aspects of change management, which is an iterative process that will evolve over time. Success is measured by our ability to safely execute changes at the speed required by our business needs.


Changes are defined as modifications to the operational environment, including configuration changes, adding or removing components or services to the environment and cloud infrastructure changes. Our Staging environment is crucial to our release process. Therefore, Staging should be considered within scope for Change Management, as part of Bramble’s operational environment. Application deployments, while technically being changes, are excluded from the change management process, as are most, but not all, feature flag toggles.

Changes that need to be performed during the resolution of an Incident fall under Incident Management.

Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibility
DevSecOps Responsible for implementing and executing this procedures
CTO (Code Owners) Responsible for approving significant changes and exceptions to this procedure

Change Request Workflows

Plan issues are opened in the production project tracker via the change management issue template. Each issue should be opened using an issue template for the corresponding level of criticality: C1, C2, C3, or C4. It must provide a detailed description of the proposed change and include all the relevant information in the template. Every plan issue is initially labeled ~"change::unscheduled" until it can be reviewed and scheduled with a Due Date. After the plan is approved and scheduled it should be labeled ~"change::scheduled" for visibility.

Change Criticalities

C1 and C2 changes that are labeled change::in-progress will block deploys, feature flag changes, and potentially other operations. Take particular care to have good time estimates for such operations, and ideally have points/controls where they can be safely stopped if they unexpectedly run unacceptably long.

In particular for long running iex console tasks, it may be acceptable to initiate them as a C2 for approvals/awareness and then downgrade to a C3 while running. However consider carefully the implications of long running code over multiple deployments and the risks of mismatched code/data storage over time; such a label downgrade should ideally have at least 2 sets of eyes (SREs/devs) assess the code being exercised for safety, and management approval is recommended for visibility.

Criticality 1

These are changes with high impact or high risk. If a change is going to cause downtime to the environment, it is always categorized a C1.

Examples of Criticality 1:

  1. Any changes to Postgres hosts that affect DB functionality (e.g. quantity of nodes, changes to backup strategy, changes to replication strategy, configuration changes, etc.).
  2. Major architectural changes to Infra as code (IaC).
  3. Major IaC changes to pets - Postgres, and other Single Points of Failure.
  4. Changes of major vendor or service provider (e.g. CDN, transactional mail provider, DNS, etc.).
  5. Major version upgrades (major definition following of tooling (e.g K8s, Nginx, Pulumi, etc.).
  6. Creating and deploying a custom build generated by ourselves is generally not recommended. There are use cases where it could be necessary due to a security or stability patch, to apply before it is part of the official upstream release. It is only allowed through Criticality 1 guidelines.
  7. Major architectural or tooling changes to alerting infrastructure.
  1. Ensure there is Due Date set on the issue and to the Bramble Production calendar.
  2. All the database changes related should have a review by a DBRE. In a scenario of an incident, the Ongres team can execute the review.
  3. Have the change approved by Infrastructure management at the Sr. Manager level or above.
  4. Identify the Engineer On-Call (EOC) scheduled for the time of the change and review the plan with them.
  5. Announce the start of the plan execution in the #production Slack channel and obtain a written approval from the EOC in both the issue and in Slack using the @sre-oncall alias.
  6. Join The “Situation Room” zoom channel with the EOC and obtain verbal approval to start the plan execution.

The EOC must be engaged for the entire execution of the change.

Criticality 2

These are changes that are not expected to cause downtime, but which still carry some risk of impact if something unexpected happens. For example, reducing the size of a fleet of cattle is usually ok because we’ve identified over-provisioning, but we need to take care and monitor carefully before and after.

Examples of Criticality 2:

  1. Any changes to database configuration which do not meet the requirements of being Criticality 1 should be considered as Criticality 2 change.
  2. Most architectural changes to Infra as code (IaC).
  3. Most IaC changes to pets - Postgres, and other Single Points of Failure.
  4. Load Balancer Configuration - major changes to backends or front ends, fundamental to traffic flow.
  5. IaC changes to production Virtual Machines outside of Kubernetes when there is a decrease.
  6. Major changes to alerting routing or integrations.
  7. Any procedural invocation such as a SQL script, an Elixir script module, a task which is performed on a production console server should be considered as a Criticality 2 change.
  1. Ensure there is a Due Date to the issue and an event to the Bramble Production calendar.
  2. Identify the Engineer On-Call (EOC) scheduled for the time of the change and review the plan with them.
  3. All the database changes related should have a review by a DBRE. In a scenario of an incident, the Ongres team can execute the review.
  4. Have the change approved by Infrastructure management at the manager level or above.
  5. Announce the start of the plan execution in the #production Slack channel and obtain a written approval from the EOC in both the issue and in Slack.

Criticality 3

These are changes with either no or very-low risk of negative impact, but where there is still some inherent complexity, or it is not fully automated and hands-off.

Examples of Criticality 3:

  1. IaC changes that require manual intervention (e.g. Pulumi state manipulation).
  2. Changes that are manual (e.g. Adding a plugin to Grafana, uploading a new SSL cert).
  3. Changes in configuration for service provider (e.g. CDN, transactional mail provider, DNS, etc.).
  4. Minor version upgrades (minor definition following of tools or components (e.g Nginx, Prometheus, Pulumi, etc.).
  5. Removing old hosts from IaC (e.g. removals of legacy infrastructure).
  1. Add a Due Date to the issue.
  2. Ensure that the plan is reviewed by someone else in Reliabilty.

Criticality 4

These are changes that are exceedingly low risk and commonly executed, or which are fully automated. Often these will be changes that are mainly being recorded for visibility rather than as a substantial control measure.

Examples of Criticality 4:

  1. Any invocation of an existing code pathway which ultimately will perform any mutate operation on live data. This is distinguished from diagnostic investigation operations which should typically be limited to read-only operations. It is ostensibly left to the discretion of the engineer whether or not a peer should be included to co-observe the invocation of such diagnostics.

No approval required.

Change Procedures

Change plans often involve manual tasks

  • Avoid using UIs instead of command-line tools. For example use the awscli command line utility instead of the AWS console.
  • Consider using a script over many individual shell commands
  • If a script is necessary, consider adding dry-run capability and follow Bramble’s scripting guidelines

Scheduling the Change

UTC is the standard time zone used in talking about the scheduled time for all the changes.

When scheduling your change, keep the impact of the change in mind and consider the following questions:

  1. Are there other C1/C2 changes occuring around the same time?
  2. Does the change being conducted contain a planned failover or other high-risk component, where the risk to customers can be reduced by executing the change in a low-traffic period?
  3. As the DRI for the change, are you able to supervise the change, and communicate its status to the EOC, for an agreed upon period of time after the change?
  4. Is the change being conducted at a time conducive to recovering (i.e. rollback of the change) from any issues arising from the change?

Change Execution

If the change is executed by a script, it should be run from the bastion host of the target environment in a terminal multiplexer (e.g. screen or tmux) session. Using a bastion host has the benefit of preventing any unintended actions (e.g. caused by a script bug) from spreading to other environments. A terminal multiplexer guards against the possibility of losing connection to the bastion mid-change and the unpredictable consequences of it.

Change Reviews

Maintenance changes require change reviews. The reviews are intended to bring to bear the collective experience of the team while providing a forum for pointing out potential risks for any given change. Consider using multiple reviewers for ~C1 or ~C2 Change requests.

Communication Channels

Information is a key asset during any change. Properly managing the flow of information to its intended destination is critical in keeping interested stakeholders apprised of developments in a timely fashion. The awareness that a change is happening is critical in helping stakeholders plan for said changes.

This flow is determined by:

  • the type of information,
  • its intended audience,
  • and timing sensitivity.

For instance, a large end-user may choose to avoid doing a software release during a maintenance window to avoid any chance that issues may affect their release.

Furthermore, avoiding information overload is necessary to keep every stakeholder’s focus.

To improve communication the following are recommendations for high criticality Changes:

  • Use the incident zoom channel during the change
  • Periodic updates intended to the various audiences at place (CMOC handles this):
    • End-users (Twitter)
    • Support staff
    • Employees at large
  • After the maintenance is complete leave handoff notes to the next oncall team members. Including items like:
    • state / success of the maintenance
    • any alerts that can have been silenced and may go handoff
    • links to specific graphs to watch for areas of concern

Communicating a change that requires Downtime (“maintenance window”)

From time to time we will need to run a production change that requires downtime, affecting customers and our SLO. This section covers how to successfully manage communications in these type of situations.

As a reference, we should communicate 5-6 weeks before the change, for a C1 that does not carry a significant architecture change. Longer preparation time is advised if the change involves a large migration or a significant architecture change.


  • Add a step in the Change issue to communicate externally with a draft of the wording.
  • Add the ~Scheduled Maintenance label to the Change issue or create a new issue using the template external_communication if a confidential issue is necessary.
  • Obtain approval for the overall plan and expected impact from:
    • CTO
    • VP of Support
  • 1 month before the change at least (if possible):
    • Ask our TAMs in our #team-customer-success channel about their preferences on how to communicate this change to our main customers:
      • Make sure that our main customers TAMs are included in this “ping”.
      • They might propose that we communicate in the customer’s channel about the specifics of the change. If that is the case draft a msg, agree on its content with the TAM and share it in the relevant customer Slack channels (in sync with the TAM).
    • Share information and a link to the Issue in #whats-happening-at-bramble slack channel
  • Shortly after that, the communication or change issue should be linked to a simple post in (by clicking in “new maintenance”). We should engage with the CMOC to Share that maintenance in, via all the possible channels (mail, tweet, slack, etc). From there customers will be able to ask questions and comment on it. [The company official way to communicate downtime to customers is via].
  • From this point, when the upcoming change is already public, we should:
    • Check the Communication Issue periodically, to see if we have question/comments from our customers, to address them timely.
    • Remind customers about the upcoming change 2 weeks, 1 week, 3 days and 1 day before the change time, via

Production Change Lock (PCL)

While changes we make are rigorously tested and carefully deployed, it is a good practice to temporarily halt production changes during certain events such as major global holidays, and other times where Bramble Team Member availability is substantially reduced.

Risks of making a production environment change during these periods includes immediate customer impact and/or reduced engineering team availability in case an incident occurs. Therefore, we have introduced a mechanism called Production Change Lock (PCL). We see the future of PCL as an automated process which, provided a time range, locks production deployments and releases the lock once the time expires. However, as a boring solution until then we are listing the events here so that teams are aware of the PCL periods.

There are 2 types of PCLs: soft and hard.

Soft PCL

Soft PCLs aim to mitigate risk without halting all changes to production. Soft PCLs prohibit infrastructure changes with a criticality level of 2 or higher. In case of an emergency, the EOC should interact with the IMOC for C1 and C2 changes.

During the soft PCL, code deployments to canary are allowed since we have tools to control canary impact. Production deployments are allowed for lower criticality items (C3/C4) in coordination with the EOC. These items include high priority code deployments (impactful bugs, security fixes).

Hard PCL

Hard PCLs include code deploys and infrastructure changes for every criticality level (see change severities). In case of an emergency, the EOC should interact with the IMOC prior to making any decision. It is at EOC and IMOC discretion to make a decision on whether a change should be approved and executed. If the change is approved, IMOC should inform the CTO of this decision (who will inform the executive team as necessary).

Feature Flags and the Change Management Process

Feature flags reduce risk by allowing application changes to be easily tested in production. Since they can be gradually or selectively enabled, and quickly turned off, their use is encouraged whenever appropriate.

However, as the company and the number of developers working with feature flags continues to grow, it becomes important to manage risk associated with these changes too. Developers follow the process defined in the developers documentation for feature flags.

On any given day, dozens of feature flag changes may occur. Many of these are trivial, allowing low risk changes – sometimes just changes to UI appearance – to be tested. However, some feature flag changes can have a major impact on the operation of, negatively affecting our service level agreements. This in turn can have a financial and reputational risk for the company. Without clear communication between the application developers toggling features and the engineer-on-call (EOC), it can be difficult for the EOC to assess which feature flag toggles are high risk and which are not.

Additionally, during an incident investigation, knowing which high-risk features have recently been enabled, and documentation on how to assess their operation, is important.

For this reason, feature flag toggles which meet any of the below criteria, should be accompanied by a change management issue.:

  • Features that enable new services: For example, if a feature toggle will drive traffic to a newly provisioned database or through a new application service.
  • Features that may have an impact on the service levels availability of any feature which could, under reasonable circumstances, lead to an incident.
  • When feature toggles, or associated features, have previously had to be rolled back due to user-impacting service degradation, or as a result of the previous toggle leading to a production incident.
  • When the application development team assess the risk of the change to warrant the overhead of change management, or the infrastructure team specifically request it.


  • Does this apply only to production environment?

    Yes. Only production environment. This means you can still make changes and deployments to environments other than production.

  • What is the exact scope of the changes that are enforced under PCL? (infrastructure, software, handbook…etc)

    Any production change to and/or supporting SaaS Product. For example, configuration changes, setup of new libraries, introducing new code, toggling feature flags.

  • What if I still want to make a change during the PCL period?

    Product Group Development code changes will require CTO approval. All other changes, including all underlying cloud and infrastructure changes will require CTO approval.

  • We have a question that is not answered here?

    Please raise an issue to Infrastructure team’s queue and we will be happy to get back to you as soon as we can.


Exceptions to this process must be tracked and approved by Infrastructure.
